Saturday, April 18, 2009

Blogger Interrupted

Since my blogging is being interrupted by my life and I have no time to say anything of interest or value, I figured this was a good time to share a blog I really like...

Check him out and watch some of his videos, I think he could be my new best friend (in a totally non-creepy, non-cyberstalkerish kind of way)!!!

back to the grind.....

BTW, I changed my comment format since a few people were having problems responding. See if it works now, comment all you want just don't give me a complex I already have enough issues.


Fantastic Forrest said...

Yay! I can now comment.

Now write some more wonderful posts. The blogger interrupted site is interesting. But so is yours, so just drop everything in your life to say more things of interest and value. :-)

Jen said...

Yippee!!!! Now I gotta remember all the things I wanted to say.