Saturday, January 16, 2010

40 X 40

Here is the long awaited, much anguished over, 40 things I want to see, do, or accomplish by the age of 40. I'm not sure how feasible doing all 40 things actually is, since some might negate others, but I'll do my best.

40 X 40 (in no particular order, * are the ones I plan to accomplish this year, Green = In Progress)

1. Visit Australia

2. Finally lose the weight (and maintain it)*

3. Get Published, (any publishing credit will do here)*

4.Run a 5k (actually run it, competitively)*

5. Visit Canada

6. Go see Mount Rushmore

7. Take a zipline tour (I've ziplined, but never on one of these tours) (and I stole this idea because it is a good one)

8. Finish the Ed.D.

9. Run a 10 K*

10. Run a 1/2 Marathon

11. Run a full marathon

12. Get my Master Reading Teacher Certification

13. Go to NYC

14. Visit California (preferably here or here)

15. Go Camping in the Grand Canyon, donkey ride and all (seen it from the top twice, but never from the bottom)

16. Visit the Smithsonian

17. Go Zorbing

18. Pay off all Credit Card Debt

19. Pay off the House (not sure how I will do this with all the travel I have planned)

20. Spend a Thanksgiving (or two) volunteering.

21. Visit Seattle

22. Visit Alaska (might be able to mark 21 and 22 off with one trip)

23. Throw a surprise party for someone.

24. Learn another Language (most likely Spanish)

25. Have an all out spa day

26. Build THE closet (#4 is most like what I want)

27. Take a pottery class (you know with the wheel and all)

28. Visit the Ozarks

29. Have a totally organic raised bed garden

30.Build a fort in the backyard*

31. Add a bathroom on the down stairs (we NEED a guest bathroom down here)

32. Kitchen reno, (I swear some dorm rooms have bigger kitchens than I do)

33. wind tunneling

34. Trapeze School

35. Anonymously buy someone's dinner (like choose a random family at a restaurant and pay for their meal)

36. Take a Wine Tasting Class

37. Wear a bathing suit in public (Making #'s 38 and 2 a prerequisite)

38. ELECTROLYSIS (I'm of German decent and that is all I will say)

39. Become a Child Advocate

40. Visit Europe (with the kids this time)

And there you have it, a list (comprised mostly of travel, ambitions and personal dares) that I will work towards until MARCH 3, 2017

1 comment:

m said...

i think it's a very good list. i like it.

and, i will take a pottery class with you. i LOVE ceramics. throwing on the wheel is one of the best things i've ever done.